Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dollhouse Half Inch Kitchen Furniture Styles and Designs

The half inch collection of dollhouse furniture is often overlooked. There are about as much styles and selections of dollhouse half inch furniture as the regular inch scale designs. In this article we will discuss half inch kitchen furniture, some of the styles and designs that are out in the market.
Kitchen Furniture
Within kitchen sets for dollhouses, there is a great assortment in terms of size-some kits only include a couple pieces, while others have everything you could possibly think of You will definitely want to have a table and chairs in your kitchen if you are not planning to add a separate dining room to your dollhouse. There are a lot of great accessories, from cookingware to food, available for your dollhouse kitchen, so keep in mind that you will need enough space to show these items off.
Modern Design
Did you know that they make modern furniture? This new modern design is almost identical replicas of many popular life size pieces. Modern design works very well together, and especially when coupled with a modern style dollhouse kit.
understanding Dollhouse Scales: Half Inch
To make sure you are getting the right sized item, check the scale of the furniture. On this website, all furniture items are on a 1 inch scale unless the title of the item says otherwise.
This furniture piece has a half inch scale, otherwise known as 1:24. Every inch of dollhouse furniture is equivalent to 24 inches of real furniture. In this scale, half an inch of dollhouse furniture corresponds to one foot of real furniture (i.e., a 4-inch long dollhouse table would be 8 feet in real life). 1 inch and quarter inch are examples of other dollhouse scales.
A good way to determine which scale to use for your dollhouse is to measure the floor-to-ceiling height of your dollhouse. If your dollhouse uses a 1 inch scale, the height should be between 8 and 12 inches. Heights between 4-6 inches use a half inch scale; heights between 2-3 inches are on a quarter inch scale.
Black Color
Black dollhouse furniture stands out in a dollhouse. Not only does black furniture attract the eye, but most pieces have accented hand painted designs. The black look grants it an Asian look for your coordination.
Dollhousecity.com offers dollhouse furniture, kits accessories, and helpful hints in setting up your dollhouse furniture.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephanie_Watson
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Italian Kitchen Furniture - 3 Misconceptions

People designing their kitchen and wanting Italian kitchen furniture often make the mistake of thinking they're looking for something very specific. As time has gone on, anything to do with Italian kitchens has become far more diverse. Here are just three common misconceptions of Italian furniture.
Firstly, you don't have to just marble for your kitchen furniture to achieve an Italian style. For some reason, just because this material has become synonymous with Italy, people automatically think they need to put it in their kitchen to be authentic with their design. Marble can be very expensive and if not chosen and implemented correctly, can make a kitchen look horrific. There are other quality materials that are just as good.
Secondly, there is not set arrangement and layout for an Italian kitchen so you can feel free to space furniture out as you see fit. People often think that if you don't have the big table in the middle of the kitchen for chopping meat and vegetables or large counters for other food preparation then it's not an Italian kitchen. This is wide of the mark.
Finally, Italian kitchen furniture doesn't have to look or feel a certain way. The Italian principles of kitchen design are to create a warm and inviting space that is functional to work in. This very much ties in with the theories behind bespoke kitchen design and customising a kitchen to suit your needs.
So when you're picking out Italian kitchen furniture, feel free to think more creatively and don't become ruled by a theme you're told is set in stone, or marble.
There's more information on Italian kitchen design at the Kitchen Design Site.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Baugh
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